La eclampsia de la perra es
una grave enfermedad, como os decíamos ayer, la hembra lactante
necesita calcio para formar la leche y su cuerpo lo obtiene de su sangre y
El embarazo es, junto con la lactancia, una de las
etapas de la vida en la que más requerimiento de energía se precisa. Los fuertes
cambios que experimenta el cuerpo de la hembra para alojar a los cachorros que
crecen en su útero requieren dosis de nutrientes extra, que el dueño debe
suplir con ciertos cuidados específicos en la alimentación de la perra gestante.
Tras el parto, sin embargo, no
acaba el trabajo para el animal. La producción de leche para amamantar a la
hambrienta camada supone un desgaste faraónico para el cuerpo de la perra, ya
debilitado por las nueve semanas de la gestación. La lactancia es un trabajo extenuante que durará,
al menos, otras seis semanas.
Una hembra de perro que padece eclampsia pierde la facultad de suministrar el calcio con la urgencia que exigen sus cachorros.
Recurrirá, por tanto, a las reservas de este mineral presentes en su propia
Cuando los niveles de calcio en la sangre del animal bajan demasiado, pueden causar graves daños a nuestra mascota. Si no se actúa pronto, la eclampsia dañará el sistema nervioso de la perra y puede provocar, incluso, su muerte.
Cuando los niveles de calcio en la sangre del animal bajan demasiado, pueden causar graves daños a nuestra mascota. Si no se actúa pronto, la eclampsia dañará el sistema nervioso de la perra y puede provocar, incluso, su muerte.
Los cachorros de una perra con
fiebre de la leche
Los hambrientos cachorros
lactantes requieren mucho de su madre, más de lo que una hembra que padecenfiebre
de la leche es
capaz de darles. Separar a la
camada de la perra de forma temporal puede ayudar a que
nuestra amigase recupere, pero, no es sencillo que una perra acceda a alejarse de sus cachorros , a no ser que el animal pierda el interés por ellos a causa de la enfermedad.
En caso de permanecer juntos,
el dueño debe extremar la vigilancia sobre la camada e impedir que accedan a
los pezones de la perra para amamantar. Una alimentación específica para
los cachorros lactantes puede suplir, en este caso, los
requerimientos de alimentación de los pequeños.
Tratamiento y prevención de la
eclampsia en la perra
Cualquier síntoma de la eclampsia es motivo suficiente para realizar una
rápida visita al veterinario. A menudo, un análisis de sangre basta para medir
la concentración de calcio
en la perra y
diagnosticar de forma adecuada la enfermedad.
El médico canino también podrá
aconsejar acerca de los tratamientos más adecuados para la perra, que
dependerán de la gravedad de la eclampsia. Suministrar calcio a través del suero suele será suficiente para recuperar
los niveles que la perra necesita.
The bitch eclampsia is a serious illness, as I said yesterday, the female baby needs calcium to form milk and your body gets in your blood and bones. "
Pregnancy is coupled with lactation stage of life in which more energy requirement is needed. The sharp changes experienced by the female body to house the puppies growing in her uterus dose require extra nutrients, which the owner must meet certain specific care in feeding the pregnant bitch.
After birth, however, just the work for the animal. The production of milk to nurse the litter hungry Pharaonic supposed to wear the dog's body, already weakened by the nine weeks of pregnancy. Breastfeeding is a strenuous job that will last at least another six weeks.
A female dog eclampsia have lost the power to supply the calcium with the urgency required for their puppies. Seek, therefore, reserves of this mineral present in his own blood. When calcium levels in the blood of the animal falls too, can cause serious damage to your pet. If nothing is done soon, eclampsia damage the nervous system of the dog and can cause even death.
Puppies of a bitch with milk fever
The hungry nursing puppies require a lot of his mother, more than a female padecefiebre milk can give them. Separating the dog litter to temporarily can help our AMIGASE recovers, but is not that a bitch easy access away from her cubs, unless the animal loses interest in them because of the disease.
Should you stay together, the owner must be extremely vigilant about the litter and prevent access to the dog's nipples for breastfeeding. A specific diet for nursing puppies can supply, in this case, the power requirements of small.
Treatment and prevention of eclampsia in the bitch
Any symptoms of eclampsia is reason enough to make a quick visit to the vet. Often, a sufficient blood for measuring the concentration of calcium in the dog and properly diagnose the disease.
The doctor may also canine advise on the most appropriate treatments for the dog, which depend on the severity of eclampsia. Provide serum calcium through usually be enough to regain the levels that bitch need.
Pregnancy is coupled with lactation stage of life in which more energy requirement is needed. The sharp changes experienced by the female body to house the puppies growing in her uterus dose require extra nutrients, which the owner must meet certain specific care in feeding the pregnant bitch.
After birth, however, just the work for the animal. The production of milk to nurse the litter hungry Pharaonic supposed to wear the dog's body, already weakened by the nine weeks of pregnancy. Breastfeeding is a strenuous job that will last at least another six weeks.
A female dog eclampsia have lost the power to supply the calcium with the urgency required for their puppies. Seek, therefore, reserves of this mineral present in his own blood. When calcium levels in the blood of the animal falls too, can cause serious damage to your pet. If nothing is done soon, eclampsia damage the nervous system of the dog and can cause even death.
Puppies of a bitch with milk fever
The hungry nursing puppies require a lot of his mother, more than a female padecefiebre milk can give them. Separating the dog litter to temporarily can help our AMIGASE recovers, but is not that a bitch easy access away from her cubs, unless the animal loses interest in them because of the disease.
Should you stay together, the owner must be extremely vigilant about the litter and prevent access to the dog's nipples for breastfeeding. A specific diet for nursing puppies can supply, in this case, the power requirements of small.
Treatment and prevention of eclampsia in the bitch
Any symptoms of eclampsia is reason enough to make a quick visit to the vet. Often, a sufficient blood for measuring the concentration of calcium in the dog and properly diagnose the disease.
The doctor may also canine advise on the most appropriate treatments for the dog, which depend on the severity of eclampsia. Provide serum calcium through usually be enough to regain the levels that bitch need.
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